Monday, February 1, 2010

Starting Over

Checking everyone's postings, and seeing that my book might be lost for good is discouraging. I'm not sure who would be up for it, but I would be willing to start over with Claire, Jennifer and anyone who is truly interested. If you would like to end it, that's OK but sad to me as I really would like to be in an exchange with Claire and Jennifer. Let me know what you think so that I can buy another watercolor Moly and change my theme to Birds.

Scott or Scoach


Elvia Montemayor said...

I would love to continue!!! count me in.

Stacey D said...

Like Scoach - I am excited to be in a group with Claire and Jennifer and would love to continue. Allyson has posted that she has my book and will be mailing it back to me. Once I get it and we decide who will be continuing on with the exchange - I will forward it on to the next person.

Scoach said...

Elvia and Stacey. Glad that you also want to continue. That's wonderful news.

jennifer kraska said...

While I'm sad about my book being gone, I would like to continue with the group. I'm going to start another book with the same theme, 'Illustrated Book of Extinction' ( if that's ok).


Stacey D said...

I am actually glad that you are keeping the same theme Jenn. I was looking forward to your book. A little odd, yes, since it is based on dead animals.