Sunday, September 5, 2010

Creative Hiatus...

Hey guys n' Gals... I am back from our sailing trip and unfortunately I STILL didn't get Jen and Scoach's moleys done. I think I have to be honest with myself... my right brain wants a rest to nurture more left brain activities. If I can't muster up enough creative juices to do them when I have 6 weeks of chilling ocean time then I don't know how I ever will. I sadly think it is time for me to shut down my involvement in these exchanges... my plate is full enough, and I really enjoyed doing 'nothing' (and would love to spend more time doing it)! I just don't like the feeling that they are something I HAVE to do, amongst all my other "have to do's"... Perhaps if they cruised along a little quicker, the energy may have stayed... but mine has fizzled!

Jen and Scoach: Would you like me to forward both of these down the line or send them back to you?

Who has mine? I can send you my address if you just want to send it back to me...

Sorry guys... hope you can still keep it going!

1 comment:

Scoach said...

Hi Claire.

I sent you a flickr mail about my journal and yours. Let me know what you are thinking in response to the e-mail.