Here is my entry. I just addressed an envelope to Jennifer, so it is in the mail to you tomorrow. Hopefully, everyone is still psyched to get this rolling. Remember if anyone drops out, either mail the journal to the next person and tell everyone that you can't continue, or mail it back to the owner who can then take care of keeping the exchange going. These exchanges are great fun and a terrific learning opportunity. Best wishes everyone.
Your entry looks great.
awesome entry!i am still psyched, just need to finish :O !
Looks great, this is going to be fun. VERY psyched. I would have mailed mine along, but couldn't resist doing a few more pages.
Thanks everyone - you're so kind. I almost kept it to do a full page spread about going on a nature hike, but I can do that when it gets back to me, or even if we decide to do a second round if there is room in our notebooks.
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