Monday, March 15, 2010

Status update....

Working on my last entry in Elvia's book - should be done this week. Moly should be in the mail to Elvia by Friday or Saturday.
How is everyone else?


Scoach said...

I'm waiting for a book to work in, and I hope to get one before June when we go to South Africa.

jennifer kraska said...

I have Scott's 2nd book. Plan to do at least a few pages in it.

Jealous.....would love to go to South Africa!

Stacey D said...

South Africa would be nice...I did just find out that my Father wants to pay for my husband and I to take a little weekend trip out of town. He said he would pay for the hotel. Pretty cool considering we rarely even get to go out to eat without the kids.

Scoach said...

Jennifer, you can just mail it back to me. I know you are busy with shows of your beautiful art. Do you need my address????

jennifer kraska said...

Hi Scott - Feel bad about it, but I will take you up on your offer to mail your book back.
Thank you for your kind comments regarding my artwork. Wish I could say that it was art shows keeping me busy. Sadly work keeps getting in the way of my art. But it pays the bills!
I will need your mailing address. You can send it to

Anonymous said...

I still have Jennifer and Scoach's here. Been insanely busy, but will try to tackle them shortly!!! :)

Elvia Montemayor said...

Got my moleskine today! thank you so much to everyone!