This is also exchange #3 for me. I am in
x67 and
portrait 5... both are fairly new groups and so far there are pretty cool. I am gonna have to make this quick as we are being invaded by flies and they are driving me nuts at the computer.
I live on a little island on the westcoast of Canada with a population of 4500 in the winter and 6000 in the summer... and I dare say a kazillion flies at the moment!
We are fixing up our boat to move on to, and plan to head off shore sailing with our two kids... hopefully next fall if all goes well.
I run my own
business creating custom chalk signs. I am also a
freelance illustrator/designer/artist, volunteer firefighter, mom to two little gals, wife, dog master,
sailor, runner, aspiring knitter & jeweler... more hats than my closet can fit.
I love the ocean... that is my favorite place to be, either on it, in it, by it, or under it. Mountains and forests are pretty amazing too, but nothing beats salty hair and the wind in your face (and no flies there)! I am also a coffee snob, but that's for another day...
Ummm... thats about me in a nutshell. There may be more, but these... damn... flies...
Looking forward to this exchange! Watercolor is a fairly new medium for me.