Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Glad to be part of the group............

Hi All,

I'm Jennifer Kraska and this will be my third group. Currently in Moly X 70 with Stacey and Portrait 5 with Claire. I live in Michigan where I work as an Industrial Designer. Currently I am the Design Manager for Cadillac Interiors. It's the most challenging and rewarding thing that I have ever done.

I think that my personal artwork is completely different from what I do at work. I draw cars during the day and birds & bugs at night. But lately people have been telling me that they can see the car in my birds. Years of programming I suppose. I'm not going to fight it anymore, just going to see what happens.

Think I managed to get into this group at the last second, but I'm sooo excited to be part of a watercolor exchange. These exchanges offer an excellent opportunity for good artistic challenge/growth.

I've decided to go with the 5x8 watercolor moly. Still working on a theme. Maybe something to with travel, we'll see...........


avifauna said...

hey jennifer, welcome to the group!

Scoach said...

Hi Jennifer. Welcome to the group. At some point, I will need to get your mailing address as I will be sending my books to you in the exchange. Do you want to do that through Flickr?

claire said...

Hi Jennifer :)